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Company Formation

Company set-up


Malta is a very tax-efficient jurisdiction in the EU from where one can set-up a business and after an initial consultation we can guide you how best to setup your Malta company/s in a way that allows for the maximum tax efficiency.


We will starts with an initial free consultation, done in person or through a video call, in which we will listen on what are your main objectives and intended operations and then discuss together how to best achieve them in Malta alone or in/with or other countries. We will then provide you with a quote, and upon acceptance will immediately progress with the preparation and setup of your company structure.  This process is done with the managing director and senior management team, having vast experience in company formation, management, accounting, tax and also banking which is usually an area which professionals neglect.


The setup is a very straight-forward process and is done through the collection of the necessary documentation, leading to the drawing of the Memorandum & Articles of Association that are subscribed to by the shareholder/s, following which a certificate of registration is issued by the Malta Registrar of Companies.


The M&A would state:

  • the name of the company

  • the name, address and official identification of the shareholders

  • whether the company is a private company or a public company and if operating/trading or holding type

  • the registered office address of the company in Malta

  • the activities of the company

  • details regarding the authorised, issued and paid-up share capital

  • the directors

  • the company secretary, and

  • the way the legal and judicial representation of the company is to be vested.


Limited Liability Company (Ltd)


The Limited Liability Company is the most commonly used business entity in Malta.  It can be used in a number of possible structures, with the most common international used ones being the Trading and the Holding companies. 


The following are the main characteristics:


  • Share capital – Eur1.2k minimum (20% paid-up)

  • Shareholders – 2 minimum, 50 maximum, but 1 also allowed in single member companies

  • Director – 1 min + 1 Company Secretary (in cases of Exempt Companies may be same)

  • Taxation – at corporate level, with refunds at shareholders’ level

  • Set-up time – 2 working days following the receipt of full documents.


Public Liability Company (Plc)


Public Limited Companies are mostly used when there is an anticipated need to offer part or the whole share capital to the public (example, when having bonds or shares to be issued to the public). 


The following are the main characteristics:


  • Share capital - Eur46.6k minimum (25% paid-up)

  • Shareholders – 2 minimum and without maximum

  • Director – 1 minimum + 1 company secretary

  • Nominee shareholders – allowed

  • Taxation – at corporate level, with refunds at shareholders level

  • Set-up time - this depends if the company is licensed or otherwise. 

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