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We assist clients on the VAT registration, returns and adherance

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Service Description

Fiduscorp can assist you through the VAT registration process, guiding you through the different types of possible VAT registrations, and ensuring the VAT number is obtained within the shortest possible timeframe. We also assist in the compilation and submission of the necessary VAT related documents ensuring VAT returns and other required submissions are correctly and timely filed with the VAT authorities. In case of any inspection, we assist clients by liaising with the VAT department, answering questions and providing the necessary documentation. Malta VAT is applied to all goods and services imported by Maltese entities and products and services made in Malta are also subject to VAT. Taxable goods and services in Malta includes also leasing or hiring of products or services or attributing or rendering a right. The standard VAT rate in Malta is 18%, but there are also two reduced rates of 7% (tourism accommodations) and 5% (on some other goods and services). There are a number of zero rated supplies or exempt with credit or without credit.

Contact Details

  • Gozo, Malta

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